Zeus [紫微]

Yin Earth Element

Ruler of the Gods. Lord of the sky, thunder and lightning. Zeus reflects nobility, strength, leadership and wisdom. A regal fountain of knowledge.


Find Zeus in your Life Chart and see how it relates to you:

Zeus in Life or Self
An honourable and strong person.

Zeus in Brotherhood
Close associates or partners reflect a higher status in the relationship.

Zeus in Couple
The significant other reflects the strength and nobility in the relationship.

Zeus in Junior
Reflects strong and noble minors.

Zeus in Asset
Possesses power in financial matters.

Zeus in Health
Balance the head, brain, and digestion.

Zeus in Soul
The soul is relentless and never gives up.

Zeus in Friendship
Reflects high expectations of others.

Zeus in Career
Strong leadership skills in school or career. Serves important positions.

Zeus in Property
The residence looks down on all other residences. A business property will reflect nobility and strength.

Zeus in Contentment
Pursues spirituality.

Zeus in Parents
Parents and elders will be strong, noble, and stubborn.

Next we look at Athena